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Get more from your online donations

and you can receive 100% of every donation made through your website!

Because you are a part of the Blackbaud family through your organization’s YourCause NPOconnect profile, we are excited to share a new program to help you drive more online donations and get more from each donation!

You’ve been selected to try our new Giving Checkout feature for direct donations.

Giving Checkout is completely free to use for your direct donations (including regular gifts), so every donation makes an even bigger impact. There's no platform fees on JustGiving, and for Giving Checkout donations, we’ll cover the processing fee from a donor’s voluntary contribution if they do “tip” or absorb the cost if they don’t.

Sound interesting? Read on to find out more.

Here’s the lowdown… 

0% fees

Get every penny of the donation every time with 0% processing and platform fees on donations made via your Giving Checkout – including regular gifts!

100% Donor data. 100% of the time.

See the name, email, address and opt-in status for every donor that donates online via your Giving Checkout implementation. Find out more.

All payment types

Payment method options on JustGiving include credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay. 
We support the following currencies: USD, CAD, GBP, EUR and AUD.